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Hello.One of the pictures of my work tak

About me

Hello everyone!


I would like to say a few sentences about me and my work.

From my childhood I was always a very artistic and crafty person.

I started my adventure with polymer clay about 10 years ago.

I had some free time and I decided to make some figures from polymer clay with my kids.

We mostly made the characters from my children favorite cartoons.

It was really good fun!

I really enjoyed it and I started to make bigger figures like mermaids and fairies.

I'm a big animal lover especially cats, they are the love of my life!

I then tried to make animals out of polymer clay and fur them to give them a more realistic look.

My inspiration comes from my imagination and observation of animals in real life.There are lots of cats and dogs in my neighborhood.

Also you can see lots of squirrels,foxes and wild birds in the area.

You can also find lots of lovely pictures of animals on the internet and they are very inspirational.

Ever since I started making figures I always try to improve my work and I decided to attend miniature shows.

My first show it was the Miniatura Show in Birmingham a few years ago.

I really enjoyed the show.It was a fantastic experience to meet all the customers and other exhibitors in person,get feedback from them,have a chat  and make new friends.

I am regular exhibitor on the Kensington Dollhouse Festivals in London.


On the 19th of September 2019 my work was evaluated by International Guild of Miniature Artisans committees and I was awarded the title of artisan.

I feel very happy and honored that my work has been recognized by the International Guild of Miniature Artisans committee.


The biggest satisfaction that I get from my work is seeing people smile and recognizes different animals and dog and cats breeds.

I also love to see all the positive feedback that i get from people who comment on my work it brings great joy to me when I see this.

Thank you for attention!

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